Tuesday, 21 June 2016

My First Look at University Exams

So I just finished my first set of University Exams on Monday. Although the 5.30 am start to get to the Royal Exhibition Center at 8.30 am for 3 out of 4 exams was a struggle (all in a row too) they weren't actually that bad.

Some advice?
  • Just keep up to date throughout the year.
  • Go over your lectures and notes.
  • Practice questions that you were given in class.
  • Go over past tests if you have any.
  • Converse with your friends and peers about it.
  • Any questions that they can't answer then spin your lecturer or tutor an email.

In University, although it's so different and feels wrong and weird compared to what we were taught in VCE, you only need to pass. Sure it's nice getting a H1 (high distinction) but it's not crucial. You'll find that people get into the mindset of scraping a pass pretty quickly. This doesn't mean don't study, definitely study, it just means don't stress out thinking that you won't get 100%. 

I know in my course, where the entry score was an ATAR of 85 ish, maybe higher, and you had to have Methods 25 with either Specialists 25, Physics 25, Chemistry 25 or Biology 25, most people are used to being top of the school or at least one of the smart ones. It can be scary going from 100% in every Maths test to an average of 65%, but that's what it's like when you're competing against everyone on the same level.

But basically, don't stress! It's not that bad (although the supervisors can be scary) Just do some revision before hand, make sure you practice the sort of questions that are likely to be on the exam, and get a good night sleep! Try not to memorise everything because Uni is about APPLICATION, not KNOWLEDGE. 

We're practicing for the real world, remember? 

Good luck!

- Michelle 

Making "Iron" Armour Pieces

So today I decided to start work on this for Animaga in August:


I've only ever made leather armour before, so working on something that had to look like metal was definitely going to be something new, and I could only use the materials I had lying around the house... These are the steps I used to make it! The pictures are of the Pauldrons.


  • Cardboard sheets (could use normal cardboard but this was easier to manipulate)
  • Aluminum foil
  • PVA glue (a lot of it, dries clear)
  • Black acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Scissors



You don't want to go through cutting all the cardboard and having it not fit the shape you want!
Draw a diagram or print off a photo to work off.
Cut some draft shapes out of paper and stick them together with tape. Once you're happy with the shapes, take the tape off and use these as templates.

2. CUT

Now you need to cut the shapes out of the cardboard. I used thin sheets and so had to make everything with two layers so it wasn't too weak. If you have also done two layers, glue these together with PVA.


So this part was new to me. I brushed PVA all over the main surface of each piece. I didn't do the back but I suppose you could if you wanted to, it just might get messy with the foil crinkling up. 
I then took a strip of aluminum foil to approximately the size of the piece and cut it with sharp scissors. 
DO NOT rip on the serrated edge, this will crinkle the foil way too much and you could be left with a messy ripped edge.
Carefully lower this onto the glued section of the piece and working from the center outwards, smooth it down onto the glue properly. Fold over the edges, let it sit for a bit, and then tape or glue these edges down.
If you want, you could create bumps and designs with glue (preferibly hot glue) before putting the foil on. This way when you smooth the foil down you will create patterns rising out of the general surface.


So I had my brush from the glue sitting in a jar of water. I used this same water while coating the surface in a watery/thin layer of black paint to roughen up the look and make it seem more realistic. This made the surface a little more cloudy while it was drying and seemed to help the paint stick. Maybe I'm wrong and it did nothing, but that's what I did. 
If you etch designs into the foil and then paint over them they should stand out better too. 
Let it completely dry and don't get water on it.


I finally did a top coat of the PVA glue to protect and strengthen the foil surface and hopefully keep it slightly waterproof. I'm sure there are better products for doing this, but PVA was all I had on me at the time. 


Now you can put all the pieces together because the metal effect is done!

I hope this helps!

- Michelle

Friday, 17 June 2016

An Act of Murderers and Cowards

This week, the world bore witness to the worst mass shooting in America's history.

I admit, living in Australia, another world away, still I was shaken. Now that I think about it, what came to mind we're not the faces of my friends in the LGBT community and what it would be like to lose them, it was the faces of anguish and pain. 

It was the face of a mother breaking down knowing she'll never see her child again.
The face of a partner broken, forever missing their other half. 
It was the face of terror of a poor soul hiding in the bathroom, praying that they'll get to see everyone they love again. 
It was the face of friends in shock, as they realise they were shot, and one of them lies dead. 
It was the face of Death quietly collecting souls cut lifetimes short, the confusion and pain and sadness still etched upon their lifeless faces; all the futures that were meant to be, all the memories that were supposed to be made, lost forever.

This is not an act of God.
This is not an act of War.
This is not an act of Religion.
This is not an act of Belief.
This is not an act of Truth.

This is an act of a murderer, a coward, too terrified to face judgement for what it had done, too scared to face the light as anything other than a martyr to your band of terrorists, your band of cowards. Well you know what? You will not be thought of as one. 

You will become a monster.
You will become an it.
You will become an unmarked grave.
You will become a faceless name.
And then a nameless shadow.
And then you will disappear altogether.

But those that you killed will never be forgotten. They will be loved for eternity, and missed for eternity, while you rot in your cold grave. Yes, this is a crime upon the LGBT community, but it is also a crime on the world. We cannot ask why, because we will never get a good enough answer. All we can do is cherish those still here, comfort those affected, and stand strong together in love. For those affected, I cannot imagine what it must be like, but as I have said before, and I will say it again,

You are not alone.

It saddens me to think, that someone could ever commit an act such as this. An act, that would have an eighteen year old student, on her way to an exam, with so many more current things to be thinking about, wiping silent tears from her face from something she was listening to on the radio that had happened on the other side of the world.

Be at peace, you will always be loved.

- Michelle

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Assassin for a Day (My First Comic Con)


The 12th of June 2016 was my first ever Comic Con, and it was amazing! Even getting up early to get dressed and put on makeup was worth it!
As you can see I went as an assassin from Assassin's Creed. I spent months on this costume and I'm really happy with it.

I went with a few friends, but we had to catch public transport. I didn't want to get out of the car and move to the bus stop until I could see them. We received a few weird comments and a great deal of strange stares but it was worth it. I think the train was a more comfortable ride than the bus however. 
When we stopped to take photos over the Yarra River we had more stares and surprisingly a few photos and questions about where we were going as well as "Uh, what is 'Comic Con' ?"

 Comic Con is originally a comic convention, but now days it also hosts a range of geeky fandoms and game lovers. This year had a strong theme of Doctor Who (due to the guest appearance of John Barrowman) and Star Wars. People will cosplay to this event, buy lots of cool merchandise, and converse with the wide range of people present who all seem to have similar interests.

My favourite part was the costumes.
I was surprised by just how many people wanted to take a photo with me, or just of me. It was such an amazing experience displaying something you've worked so hard to create and actually having people show an interest and be amazed... in person!
I myself was surprised by the quality of everyone's costumes and by the fact that I gained so much courage (and dare I say in the end I was comfortable) to ask for their picture and have a conversation with them!
It was a really incredible way to connect with so many people

And the posing! It's funny how cool it feels to look in character. For that one day, I was no longer just a Science Uni Student, but a Cosplayer, a Geek, and an Assassin. It's an awesome feeling!

Gosh all of you were awesome! Thank you so much for taking photos with me!!

And oh my gosh, Photoshopping the photos of my friends afterwards was so much fun. I wish we got more photos with different poses and scenery that I could play with, but for now this will do.

Love at first fight

The Black Bladed Assassin
(I had to add in parts of the background because I didn't get a shot of me alone)

Kylo Ren

(A more realistic feel to this one)

Anywayy, thank you to all for the awesome experience and you'll be sure to see me next year! Oh I wonder what I'll dress as this time... the possibilities are endless!

 - Michelle
Sword In Shadows Artwork