Alright, so everyone knows that Valentine's Day is coming up this week. Exciting?
Yes, for some, and no for others.
This will always be the case.
But for those who dislike it, let's not spoil everyone's joy, because you know what?
I want you to grab your best friend, your brother, or sister, or cousin, or long distance somehow familiar person and go see it!
Or go see anything, there's heaps out right now. Haven't seen Star Wars? GO SEE IT IT'S AMAZING.
Valentine's Day is not just about couples, and touchy feely moments.
It's purely about:
So go show your love for everyone, your bromance, your sibling rivalry, your love for you crazy friends, pick on, any will do.
Honestly, "true love" can be so overrated. Love can go so much deeper than that.
For example, I will be seeing Deadpool with my best friend after Valentines Day (I'm away) and then probably pigging out on chocolates with him before changing into some decent clothes and going out for tea where one of our friends works just to embarrass her. Sure, my best friend is also my (almost) 3 years partner, but he was my best friend first and will always will be.
You have a date? AWESOME, GOOD FOR YOU! I bet you're really excited! NO ONE SPOILT IT FOR THEM! ...Unless the person is a serial killer, then you have my permission to try to stop it. Don't be too nervous and all, it'll be great! Just enjoy it, give the guy or girl a chance, and see how it goes. If they brush you off at the end of the night, *shrug* it doesn't matter, you're so much better than you think. I'm sure you'll bump into another sooner or later that'll appreciate you better. For now just ask your friend if they want to see Deadpool and you'll try not to spoilt it for them.
If it goes well? OMG BUTTERFLIES EVERYWHERE! That's so exciting!! *huggggg* but still take your friend to see Deadpool or Star Wars, maybe Star Wars if they haven't seen it. YOU HAVE TOO it's amazing...

Have a lovely (pun) Valentine's Day everyone.
- Michelle